February 12 2022 0Comment

Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is a service which provides businesses the opportunity to obtain independent, non-biased evaluation of their business practices, service delivery, employee behaviour, etc, through an external party. Some other tags for mystery shopping include secret shopping, secret performance evaluation, service check and front line evaluation.

Mystery shoppers perform specific tasks such as purchasing a product, asking questions, registering complaints or behaving in a certain way, and then provide detailed reports or feedback about their experiences.

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and has become a key element of business strategy. Poor customer service affects your bottom line.
With the growing number of retail establishments, hotels and services oriented businesses and with increasing stiff competition in the operating environment in Nigeria, there exists the need for mystery shopping. Without overstating the importance of quality customer service, more and more companies should engage the services of mystery shoppers to know if their businesses are meeting the needs of their customers.

Mystery Shoppers assists you in identifying what brings your customers back or what drives them away.
Mystery shopping can be applied in the following industries hotels, retail, education, legal, Junital, dry cleaning, automobile dealers, banks, insurance etc


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