Author: mysteryshoppers

Nigeria Deserve Better Services and Good Products

There is no gain in saying all Nigerians experienced poor customer service at one time or the other, the issue can be small like waiting in a long queue or bigger such as receiving a completely different service than expected, whatever the case, negative experiences leave us deeply unsatisfied and hesitant to use the same […]

Customers At The Center Of Every Business

A customer experience management mindset prioritizes the orchestration and personalization of the entire end-to-end customer experience and helps to do it at scale, on any channel in real-time. It fixes customer as a dependable determinant to attract sales Effective customer experience management is more than just good optics or good public relations. By measuring your […]

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The Roles Of Call Centre Analytics On Customer Experience

The process of interacting with customers comes with a lot of advantages if the customer data analytics is properly harnessed, in the customer service awards limited customer experience training Abuja Nigeria, the need for proper data analytics mostly takes the front burner. Customer analytics according to customer service awards limited helps to identify gaps in […]

Data Analytics as a Catalyst for Business Growth

  Customer data analytics help businesses or organisations get information about customer demographics, purchase history, website behaviour, product choice, and more, every business needs to learn more about their customers and how they prefer services or products and also understand customers’ buying pattern Customer data analytics or business data analysis goes beyond just making smart […]

Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo Culture and Customer Experience in Nigeria

Culture can be seen as the social behaviour of a particular people in any society, this reflects in the attitude, customs and ideas of the people with their culture, x-raying the three dominant cultures among over two hundred and fifty cultures and tribes in Nigeria, you will agree and reckon with Owambe that can be referred […]


Mystery shopping is a research tools used to gauge customer experience where individuals are recruited to portray actual customers that shop at a store, engage in a buying, engage in the usage of a particular product or services, The experience gathered on the field for the feedback for the company and it uses it to measure […]


Effective service delivery come with setting up a system or process that delivered expected services according to standard, standard simply means a set of a process provided by a company or an organization to use as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluation this majorly evaluated by Nigeria mystery shoppers provider, NMSP to assist […]


Product selling remains the ingredient for sustainability for every organisation according to Nigeria mystery shoppers provider NMSP,, mystery shopping help to confirm if every sales representative are adhering to market principles and strategies Mystery shopping help to build product brands and assist the sales associates to understand their unique selling proposition that can position […]


Nigeria mystery shoppers provider NMSP remain the best Airline mystery shopper in Nigeria with over ten years of mystery shopping Airlines in Nigeria, Nigeria Mystery shoppers provider carried out a yearly assessment for all the airlines in Nigeria to know the best airline and also gather data to know the challenges of the aviation sector […]